I could save you some years of hard work here and there if you would care to listen. I have studied the junk-society with my real knowledge for these last two decades. Correcting all the mistakes for “fun” in most of the written and unwritten material, looking at the propaganda from our foes in different constructions and lies, crying at and sneering at controlled debates in the media and much more… Rarely could there be found a thought that was worth thinking. Or a mind that could really think in this middle-age, it is sad but true. I already knew how the behind the scenes in this world work since long ago, but it really is worsening day by day. If your crime statistics can be constructed to say otherwise, then you don’t know what crimes I am speaking about here…
I took some “working vacations” and studied what is wrong up-close; also went and searched here and there a few times during the years. It gave less than nothing as it truly is a big nothingness we see in the mainstream society. Experience is overrated, believe me. Outside the Truth, that would be outside the Knowledge of the Gods and the worlds, there is just the made of dirt and their lies to warn this world about. Not that most people would listen and get their own life, as most of them are brainwashed into not caring for what is right or wrong; and as long as it’s not presented on TV as correct to follow. You have to talk nicely to these people or their ears will shut down. I will let others do that sweet talking. I will not bother with them in person anymore. I do care about these people at their core, I just cannot stand their current sickness, that is why I only write for the sane instead. You will not be seeing me on TV. I am way too high up for that.

The real New Age, or rather: New Time, is of course the Gods coming back here to Midgard, that is known as “Asatru”. That is more or less the explanation everyone need. There is no point in commenting on the matter much more.


Anyway…, let me just state that our foe surt is still forced to come up with something “new”: “A lie that is bigger than the Gods Truth”, as their filthy “monotheistic” weapons will be crushed completely and with it the retarded ideologies that went with the Illusion that was built on others trust and blood. No difference to be found anywhere in all crap they make, they become the same kind of scum pretending to hold water. Our foe is still trying out different lies inside the fake “New Age” to see what will do most damage to our world. When it all finally will fail they have at least spread around their names in it, a little here and there as it would be invisible where the whole “New Age-garbage” came from… Trying to force people to remember them, but this will gladly not happen anyway. The few thousand that still have a little interest in the ridiculous and fake “New Age” are left to look for loop-holes to explain away all the mistakes and lies they sell as venom. Explaining away anything would be quite easy for them as they live on their lying and twisting truth as their profession. We with Knowledge can safely say that there is nothing to be found in that stealing and misusing of the Gods worlds and cultures; owned as well by the people that had and have higher knowledge, twisting “New Age” into an untouchable mess for any sane being. Just avoid it at any cost.
The lies spread around in the fake “New Age” may for some look like “white lies”, as they’re there to prevent our foe from looking like the pervert and liar he really is, and making another fake foe, like they always do. This time it will be “from the stars”… By the way, we are life from the star called the Sun that gives this world its light. We are Sons of the Sun God and it is embodied in Odin as a symbol under various names in all our cultures. We come from the Star. The shining light that gives us all Life here; the Sun. Do you understand? The current ridiculous being they have promoted as being their foe for thousands of years is our foe, that fake will not be working for long anymore, I can promise you that. This present society is far worse than death to live in. It is keeping people from having any real honour and intellect and then calling it their free will and progression… And that has worked for our foe through the ages with different angles, which is just unbelievable… It is so unbelievable that it is the Illusion itself.
These are more or less still cavemen, as anyone can see, that we are speaking about who are greatly helped, and used by higher beings that try to invade and conquer our world. They do see people like objects and as “dirty animals” compared to their “greatness”; but they are not that big and great and they are as much part animal as any other “alien” or “human” out there. To imply that the Gods are alien beings from other planets is only partly true. Reality is that the Gods grown themselves deserving in a long tradition and have parented many other beings in other worlds at the same time. Much has come from this world that have aided and built other worlds. We are of course all part of alien and animal life through the Gods blood. Did anyone really not know that?
There is something very wrong with our foe and his “gen-ethics”, that is for certain. He owns absolutely nothing in this world and his only “creation” left here is the dirty seed through some “women” that he managed to rape in the past. Everything he uses is stolen; a filthy nothing that preys on others work and he will refuse to acknowledge and understand that he is just an inferior puppet. So, we must help jehobah understand this fact in his last days alive the only way he is able to understand. Do not feel sorry for him. Give that monster nothing.
(A “lie” is of course a scythe. Not to be confused with a Scythian… What we are speaking about here, and for convenience call a “lie”, is a non-truth. Just to let you understand.)


We all have one life to share and spare with us in our own life. Life is not some kind of a magical test that is just here to aid a bigger cause set above from the Gods… Forget that. We are not “paying” for any kind of “karma” in some kind of levelling of all life to be victims of being pitiful and mediocre in a positive and negative balance.
As an example from reality: If an accident happens, arranged to make the victim a complete fool by placing in visions that he can spread a message of the “light” he saw, it is just not reality. It is much like our foe and the geeky and faked “spirit possessions” they perform when it will seem to be needed for other causes; like strengthening all the lies they live on. A “spirit”, or in some cases a person with some powers or just some lent in powers, will pretend to be this invisible evil. It is often done in a comic book way, playing a charade out of useful boredom… Then they will get one of their so called mindless “priests”, or some kind of “new age-spirit-chaser”, to win over this “evil being”. It will prove what for this world? That they really are good and stronger than evil? Right… Never wondered why this evil nonsense they still are able to pull in our society and its attached junk-culture attract so ridiculously few? And that is what our foe really is fighting so hard? A bunch of dumb and insane freaks that extremely few wish to have anything to do with? They must really be insane those evil guys if they actually believe they stand a chance to win the War of all Wars… Well, it really proves they are on the good side against what must be the supreme evil, or in reality the supreme good; like We truly are. We are their “evil enemies”, of course. The difference is that we own this world and have all the rights here. Try some common sense and use it in all honour. It might be good to try it once or twice. While at it get a life living in realities.
Our foe will hide most of his evil in “good”. By that not only their tactic to pretend to be good, and training people to be false while getting increasingly sicker and extremely filthy on the inside and the outside from the lies they live in; in order to make even more weakness and evil deeds in their daily life and against our world. The main thing is that our foe actually do a lot that would to the ignorant mind seem to be good, on the surface that is. (The list is quite endless on these constructions to parasite. More or less they have taken complete control over many governments, companies, institutions, etc. These are unknowingly working for destroying countries and our own cultures from the Gods in order for a mono-non-cultural society to take shape that is helpless and cannot do anything right; the victims are incapable to fight anything at all. The junk-society is now completely powerless in reality and few worthy warriors are able to arise and defend our world. That is of course the plan of making people weak and dumb. It hurts me to say this: It is easy to murder this mono-non-cultural joke, or as the victimized call it: multi-cultural society, where no real culture is to be found anywhere. Already now the easy control is slaughtering inside this garbage society forced on “the western society”, and it is copied on the rest of the world for the same reason. China and India is next in line to be completely confused and used, making the men weak and the women into imbecilic whores. It is rotten to the core. People will now do whatever they are manipulated and led to; as long it’s considered normal for their identity… I personally refuse to call any of these kind of people human anymore, simply because there is too little real human left in their behaviour. Our foes are blaming all this filth in the world on the Gods. Well, someone really is doing this evil to our world. I am very sure it is not our Gods… It is calculated evil in progress. You have to know there is a plan behind to see what is very obvious. Our foe is a professional parasite on this world since a few thousand years ago when he was born. Especially the “western society” where he is inferior in all values you might think of; especially higher morals and beauty. His inferiority fuels his deranged hate as he is vain for no real reason. He has lied, used people, raped and murdered, to the extent that we all will know it as the worst horror and tragedy in the history of the universe. Anything else dwarfs to nothing in comparison to these crimes.


We choose to reincarnate in life’s that will seem to be the very best for us to live. At times the life we do get can get so bad that nobody would want to live in it, regardless what the gain would be. We do destroy others life’s and are getting our lives destroyed in the War of all Wars. Myself being a prime example of a destroyed life where many people close to me or just around me has been cursed, raped, violated and murdered. We are now forced down to be just the defenders more than the aggressors, but that must change soon or we are dead. It is so much easier to drag down than build up, which is sad. We are in a real war all around us and if you have not seen it by now; then you are a victim of it.
The reincarnated are targeted. They are easily the most valuable people as all of them have more life experience and “depth” in them and could, if not dragged down and hindered, make some real impact. But, too often they can get confused into believing whatever as their families will often get afraid of the new person suddenly appearing at age four or five, and this together with the society we have to live under, will soon be forcing them down to the average low-level of understanding and knowledge. One sad trick that is in progress inside the fake “New Age” is to make the reincarnated believe that we are from other planets…, and the state of this world makes that very easy to wish for, that our superiority in mind compared to most around us, can be given that plausible explanation. Thing is that most of the reincarnated do not remember much, and the little they do remember might as well be pictures planted there to spread a false message. It all depends on who you are. Having lived thousands of years can mean nothing at all if you forget it, or you just did not get to know much. I have had some extra help through the years and if there is anyone that will really doubt anything until proven, then that would be me. It can be preferred to not be reincarnated. I have really wished for that. Not carrying around an old name and problems from someone else.
Our friends and foes from other worlds that come here now and then, some doing the same tactic as people who are, or for some really obscure psychological reason wish to believe they are, reincarnated: “Please, do not see us as Gods.” Well, nobody has ever seen them as any “gods”, that is for sure… Everyone would see them as creepy looking freaks that will cause people to get shocked. Be it that some beings hide behind a stone in the woods or come in a UFO; we can be their brothers… Well, yeah, some of them can claim that they are our kin. Some others cannot have that honour.

Truth be told, my dearest friends, this world is at the moment behind in progression in many aspects as we all know it has been stopped by the foes of the Gods in time after time. We are not less in intelligence or progression than the other worlds in general; when we do get the Knowledge back that belongs to us in our world… Then, and only then, we will start to do some real good work.

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